CASA Volunteers are extraordinary

Trained CASA volunteers are appointed by the Court to advocate for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect. Staff supervisors walk alongside volunteers as they serve our community’s most vulnerable children.

Approximately, 900 allegations of child abuse and neglect are investigated annually in Marion County.  Please consider Changing a Child’s Story by volunteering today. 

Who can volunteer?

CASA volunteers come from all walks of life.  We are looking for caring adults age 21 or older who have 10 hours a month to give.

How to become a CASA volunteer

Once the application (Apply here) is submitted, a staff person contacts the applicant to schedule an interview. Background checks and completion of the preservice Training Course are required.

What does a CASA do?

  • Meet with the child a minimum of once per month

  • Help identify and locate resources in the community to meet the child’s needs

  • Meet or talk with adults in the child’s life like parents, grandparents, foster parents, teachers, coaches, doctors, and therapists.

  • Monitor case plan progress

  • Review Records

  • Attend Court hearings and Child Services meetings.

  • Draft notes and court reports

  • Maintain confidentiality and a professional demeanor

Time Commitment

About 10 hours a month for the life of a case.  An average case lasts 12-24 months.

Upcoming events.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.