Learn more about CASA

In 1977, a Seattle Washington, Superior Court Judge named David Soukup experienced a disturbing and reoccurring problem in his courtroom. He often felt that pertinent information in cases regarding the lives of children seemed inaccessible and unavailable, ultimately forcing him to make lasting decisions without sufficient knowledge. As Judge Soukup explained, “In criminal and civil cases, even though there were always many different points of view, you walk out of the courthouse at the end of the day and you can say, ‘I’ve done my best; I can live with this decision.’  But when you’re involved with a child case and you’re trying to decide what to do to facilitate that child’s growth into a mature and happy adult, you don’t feel like you have sufficient information to allow you to make the right decision. You wonder, “do I really know everything I should? Have I really been told all of the different things? Is this really right?’“ He realized the value of information in proper decision making. With that in mind, he conceived the idea of appointing community volunteers to speak up for the best interests of these children in court. So Judge Soukup made a request for volunteers to help in the court process: 50 citizens responded, and that was the start of the CASA movement, an idea that would change America’s judicial procedure and the lives of over a million children.

Today, there are more than 76,000 advocates serving in nearly 1,000 state and local program offices nationwide, including Washington D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands.   In Ohio, there are currently 46 CASA programs serving 57 counties. 

You Tube links

I am a CASA Volunteer


Former Foster Child Speaks About Her CASA Volunteer



Interested in becoming a CASA Advocate?  This video answers some of your most common questions.



Judge Capizzi on the CASA Program
